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What Is the Importance Of Document/ Webpage Planning?
If you neglect to plan a project thoroughly, the odds of an unhappy finished product are at a greater risk. Websites need ample attention and planning in order for them to be built with success – without proper research on your part, there’s no telling if they will succeed or fail.
Website document/ page planning can save you money
Website page planning can save you money. With the wrong website design or content, your site could be overlooked by search engines. This can lead to a drop in traffic and revenue for your company.
It’s important that you create a website with SEO best practices built-in from the start so that it will rank well in search engines and drive more customers to your business.
Website document/ page planning will prevent design issues
Website page planning is important in order to ensure that your site has a cohesive and easy-to-navigate design.
- Planning out the number of pages on your website, including how many navigations links each one will have.
- Determining the specific content for each page in order to create an intuitive flow from one page to the next.
- Deciding when you want to build new sections or remove old ones so that they stay up-to-date with current trends.
This process ensures that you don’t end up with a disorganised website where people can’t find what they’re looking for because there’s too much information cluttering things up or not enough.
Website page planning will make your SEO efforts effective
Planning out your pages will help you create a strategy that is not only easy for search engines but also beneficial for your visitors, which in turn will lead to increased ROI. The first step is to determine what content you want on each page and then rank them by importance or priority. Next, think about how the different pages link together – should some be grouped together? Do other pages need links? What keywords do they use? Which words should be avoided altogether?
It’s all about mapping out the flow of information from one page to another so that people who visit any given webpage will easily find what they need. SEO Brighton has a great way to help you get the best out of your website. We have the ability to plan web pages that work for your business needs and we do this by working with you.
It’s not enough listening to what you want on your web page – we need to go through search engine terms and how a certain text works for your potential customers. Our friendly and knowledgeable team are happy to explain everything about web page planning and designing to you.
How to Plan Your Website’s Documents/ Pages
Are you wondering where to start when it comes to planning your website’s documents/pages?
You need to consider what content needs a place on the site. What type of content will be available, how often it should be updated and if there are any special design considerations?
Here are some expert pointers:
Determine your website goals
Planning your website’s pages can be a daunting task, but it is important to first determine what you want your site to do.
- What are the goals for your company?
- What does each page need to accomplish and how will it help you reach those goals?
Consider that many people use search engines such as Google or Bing when looking for products on the internet. Having high-quality content with relevant keywords in titles, headings, and body text is key for ranking well in search engine results pages (SERPs).
Determine your target audience
The importance of determining your target audience when planning its pages cannot be stressed enough. If you are targeting a local audience, then it is important to optimise for keywords that will rank higher on search engines and directories.
The following tips can help:
- Determine what type of information or services you want to provide
- Identify who your target customer is; Speak their language (localization)
- Use keywords in titles, headings and content
- Explain why this product or service is beneficial to them (benefit-driven copy).
Evaluate your competitors
When you’re planning your website’s pages, it is important to consider what your competitors are doing. Doing so will allow you to think of ways to make sure that your site can be found by customers who want whatever goods or services you offer.
The best place to start is by examining your competitors’ websites and analyzing their pages that rank well for relevant search queries that are similar or related to the ones you are targeting.
These high-ranking sites may serve as good models for which topics should be included on your site as well as providing insight into potential keyword opportunities.
Map your user journey
When you’re building a website, the user journey is an important part of your strategy. When you plan out the pages for your site, it’s important to map out how users will interact with each page and click through from one page to another.
You should also consider what happens when they arrive on a landing page or if they get lost along the way. These are all things that affect their experience of your content.
Define the conversion funnel
Every website is different, but a conversion funnel will always have the same basic elements.
The first step in any conversion funnel is to capture your audience’s attention through content or images that are relevant and catchy. You need to provide them with something they want, like an answer to their question, a solution for their pain points or just entertainment.
Once you’ve done that you can move on to presenting your product/service as the next logical step in the process. If it resonates with them then they’ll convert by buying whatever it was you were trying to sell them!
Optimise for SEO
As you plan your site, remember that SEO is an important part of the process. The more search engine-friendly your website is and the better optimised it is, the higher it will rank in search results for relevant keywords.
Pages need to have an optimal word count and a good number of links in order to be successful in the search engine rankings. If you don’t know what your page needs, then your best bet is hiring someone who does!
Your web pages should be optimised to attract readers as well as to encourage them to subscribe or follow you on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Create an effective keyword plan
If you’re planning your website’s pages, you need to consider the keywords that are relevant for each page.
An effective keyword plan includes:
Choosing keywords and writing meta descriptions
Writing unique content for each page so that it ranks well in search engine results pages (SERPS) based on those keywords and avoids duplicate content penalties from Google.
You should also optimise the text with headings, subheadings, bullet points, bolding or italics where appropriate as this helps with SEO too!
Lastly, make sure to include a call-to-action at the end of your post/page that tells people what they can do next
Incorporate images and videos
The number of images and videos you should have on your website depends on the type of content you are creating.
However, it is important to keep in mind that incorporating these elements will help improve the experience for search engine users because they can provide a lot more information than text alone.
For example, if you do a blog post about “5 healthy recipes,” then an image of each recipe would be helpful to add as well. You could also include one or two short videos showing viewers how to make them. This way, your readers get the full experience and don’t feel like they’re missing out on anything by not being able to see what’s happening in real-time!
Create a list of must-have features
Creating a list of must-have features is an excellent way to plan your site out. To do this, start by making up a general list of all the things you want to have on your webpage. Then you can go through these at a later date and narrow the list down to include ones that are essential for the page.
By creating a list of must-have features and cross-referencing them against your audience, audience needs and competitor analysis, you’ll get you to a great content map (or information architecture) for your website. The more thought and planning you put into this stage, the easier it will be later on when it comes to doing your research and putting ideas together.
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Write great content
One of the best ways to plan your pages for the best results is by using great content.
If you have poor content on your site, then no strategy will work and people won’t want to stay there.
One of the hardest parts about planning out a website can be figuring out what information should go where. But if you use great content on each page, then it will lead people through the process from start to finish with much less trouble than if they didn’t know what was supposed to happen next.
Some ideas:
- Use keywords at least 2 or 3 times per paragraph so search engines can find them more easily.
- Include a list of items with bullet points if possible (e.g., “10 things every college student needs”) so people can quickly scan what they need based on each point without having to read through paragraphs of text.
- Keep sentences short and use bullet points whenever possible to make the article easier to read.
Think mobile-first
Access to the internet is no longer limited to desktop or laptop computers. Mobile devices are taking over as the primary way we access the internet and this has major implications for how we design our websites.
If you haven’t already, it’s time to think mobile-first when planning your website’s pages so that they’re optimised for all screens, including smartphones and tablets.
You’ll want to make sure that your site loads quickly on any device and does not have excessive scrolling or zooming in order to see the content.
In addition, be mindful of loading times when adding too many images because these can slow down page load speed considerably on a mobile device. Finally, consider designing with sharing in mind by providing social media links prominently throughout your site.
Build links
Planning your website’s pages is an important step in the content creation process. It helps you organise and prioritise your thoughts, ideas, and goals for the site.
An important step is to build links between these pages. This includes internal linking on a single page as well as external links that point back to it from other sites or social media profiles.
Building links is an essential part of any SEO campaign for obvious reasons. It builds your site’s authority and rankings on search engines. But it can also give your target audience some solid landing pages to attract more traffic to your website.
Link building can be done via blog posts, guest blogging opportunities, press releases, PPC ads (paid), etc.
Hire professionals
Planning your site’s pages/ documents can be complicated. There are many things to consider such as the design, content, and usability. But for those in the SEO industry, there is an additional consideration that needs to be taken into account: Search engine ranking factors.
It may seem overwhelming at first but with a few tips from our professionals, you’ll have a much easier time constructing your page in a way that will rank higher on Google’s SERPs for certain keywords or phrases.
We offer professional advice from document/ page planning to designing search-friendly URLs, to picking the right keyword density for on-page optimisation!
Are you looking for an SEO expert who can help your company with its website page planning?
Hire SEO Brighton, the best in the industry! Our team is skilled at managing and creating content that will rank high on Google. We’ll provide a free audit of your current site to see what needs improvement so we can get started.
Contact us today for more information!
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Looking for Document/ Page Planning Experts for your Website?
An important step to designing your website is planning what pages you will include. This process includes deciding on the purpose of each page, how it fits with other site content and navigation, and working out its layout. We recommend using wireframe or storyboard so that you can get an idea of how everything will work together visually before going into too much detail about design elements such as colours, fonts, layouts etc.
Once you start working with SEO Brighton, one of the things you’ll quickly realise is that your website can be a powerful sales tool. But that power has to be unlocked before it can do good work for you. And that’s where we come in. With a page plan, we can identify the goals of your business and create an actionable strategy for your website. It’s easy to see how that becomes valuable when you have recommendations on how to improve conversion rates and even track the success of those changes.
Brighton SEO’s document/ page planning service will give your site a large boost. One might even say an edge over the competition! Get in touch today for a free, no-obligation quote.