SEO Audits

A thorough SEO audit will give you detailed and objective insights about the health of your website.

Is Google indexing your website? Are your pages quality ones or are they clones of other pages? Is your website optimised for search engines? Do you know how well your website is performing? All these are important questions every website owner  must answer, and an SEO audit will likely provide these answers.

A thorough SEO audit will give you detailed and objective insights about the health of your website. You’ll get a detailed report with actionable steps so that you can improve the overall performance of your website.


SEO auditing and reporting is one of the top ways to stay on top of ranking. And SEO Brighton is here to do just that! SEO Brighton is a full service SEO Agency based in Brighton, Sussex that’s passionate about customising a digital marketing plan and strategies that work best for your business and brand.

Find out how SEO Brighton SEO auditing can fix your ranking and get your company back in the black.

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What is an SEO Audit?

An SEO audit is a study of your website’s information architecture, linking profile, codebase and technical performance. It is not a set of prescriptions for what to do next. Instead, it lets you know what to optimise and consider in order to improve results.

Audits help you understand and fix your SEO issues so that you can create better content, attract more visitors, and rank higher in search engines for the keywords that matter to your business.

How to do an SEO Audit?

An SEO audit consists of following a certain set of procedures to make sure your website is optimised for search engines.

A well-done SEO audit should include a keyword-rich and meta description tag review, competitor research, site structure and design analysis, top organic search results analysis (for number of links it takes to get there), website speed optimisation, content audit and other quick wins that will move the needle in improving your organic performance.

Although, there is no single right way to do an audit. They vary from project to project, company to company and client to client. What follows here though, is a set of general guidelines that will help you get started.

Crawling and Site Audits

The crawl test is a quick way to assess and identify problems within a website. A good general inspection of the site’s structure can be done by simply running the crawl through pages and pointing out issues that may affect functionality or the usability of the site.

SEO Brighton in-house SEO team can crawl your site (more than once) and evaluate its health. How fast does the site load? What’s the conversion rate? Are there any errors?

We also evaluate how the site is structured for indexing from an internal search standpoint. Once that’s all done, we then take a look at some other things, like social media sharing, internal linking, and whether or not any of the content on the site is spammy or keyword stuffing.

Page Speed

Speed is an incredibly important factor when it comes to search engine ranking. Pages that load slowly are almost always passed over in favour of pages that offer a more pleasurable user experience, regardless of how well they match the user’s query.

There are numerous factors that the page speed metric tries to capture, but the general idea is that over 50kb of data transfer per second is pretty good

Assess your Site Architecture

The architecture of your site is not just how it looks, but also how it’s set up for search engines. Oftentimes, a site can be written in a way that while very human-friendly, can hurt it’s ability to rank well organically. It’s important to always ask yourself if your web pages are really SEO friendly.

What would a search engine think? How would they crawl through your site and index it? Are there any areas on the page that are not being seen by search engines? These questions should be asked of every page on the internet as you work to improve its “architecture.”

If you have a pretty good idea of how well your competitors are ranking, but you’re getting inconsistent results and don’t know why. SEO Brighton can help uncover issues with your site architecture and web presence that may be negatively impacting search engine visibility.

Get in touch now by dialing 01273 424 004.

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Check your Site’s Content

Check your site’s content for relevancy. Relevancy is a critical factor in SEO success. In order to rank, you need to be relevant to the category and keywords that you’re optimizing for. This can be established by checking your keyword density.

Properly optimise your site’s content by ensuring that there are not too many or too few keywords set on a page or throughout your site. This can be done using any word processing software such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs and then publishing the content to your website.

Check your Tags

Whether you’re editing your page title or entering your meta description, the tag field is where you’ll be able to add the information that will make your listing pop. If your tags aren’t matching up with your keywords then you could be losing hundreds or thousands of real-time potential customers.

Check your Backlinks

A backlink audit is the process of analyzing inbound links and redirects to your website. Links define the online reputation of any given website, so it’s essential to check your backlinks regularly. If you need help with any of the following, we can provide expert advice to get your website ranking.

We’ve got SEO audit information and tips on how to create an optimized content strategy that drives better rankings in search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo for phrases relevant to your business goals. Get in touch today if you want more information about our marketing services.

SEO Services

  • Keyword Research01

  • Local SEO02

  • Natrual Language (NLP)03

  • Intent Based SEO04

  • Tech SEO Audit05

  • Topic Analysis06

Why is it Important to Perform an SEO Audit?

It’s well known that search engine optimisation is vital to an online business. However, many business owners are not aware of the importance of a SEO audit and its significance.

Having a team of experts perform an SEO audit for your business has benefits such as helping improve your ranking in Google, which helps increase conversions and sales!

Below are a few other key reasons why performing an SEO Audit is critical to your business’s success.

Algorithms Changes

When Google pushes out an algorithm update it can be a challenge in the beginning to gauge what and where things have changed. These changes are made to keep the company on top and to keep users engaged. While these algorithm updates usually go unnoticed by most users, they can be disastrous for websites that experience a drop in rank or traffic.

With SEO and website audits we can stay ahead of these changes, ensuring your site is marked well for all important search engines’ algorithms.

Outdated Content

Don’t lose customers to outdated content. In today’s rapidly changing environment, it is important to perform an audit of the content of your website.

Articles should be rewritten to incorporate new keyword research and fresh, updated topics. Broken links and old articles with poor information can both cause poor SEO performance.

Titles and Meta Data

The search engines love to see your content, and the more information you have about the product or service you offer, the better. If you are building a site yourself, strong titles and meta data will be crucial to the success of your website. Putting strong keywords in the title of every page on your website will help search engines find it.

The title tag is actually an HTML element and it also appears as the blue link in search results. The title tag is not only seen by users but also search engines. This makes the title tag an important SEO factor for any ranking strategy.

An effective title should be short yet descriptive and keyword rich. To effectively rank organically (without PPC) for competitive terms that have a lot of competition on Google, like [best UK SEO company], one would need a great strategy that uses meeting the user intent in the title tag.

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Website Errors

A major search engine can immediately detect errors on your site by crawling it and analysing the content.

The first time a crawler visits your site, it indexes each file and creates a snapshot of that stage in your website’s development. Future crawlers use this information to determine if there have been any changes to your pages.

A comprehensive SEO audit will help you to correct a website’s errors and issues. These corrective actions will ensure more website visitors reach your landing pages, which in turn will ensure more sales conversions.

Savvy search marketers know that building links with the wrong anchor text or having poor title tag content can create damaging search results for their client sites.

Webmaster’s Guidelines

Every day Google crawls millions upon millions of pages on the web for their search engine. Every day they issue hundreds of updates to the algorithm that determines where each page ranks in a search result.

If you’re serious about your website’s success, your business has to remain at the forefront of these changes.

Keep up with Competition

Nowadays, information is so dispersed that sometimes it’s tough to keep up with the competition. There are many websites that offer similar services or provide the same products as your business does, but do you know what they all have in common? They’re all trying to compete to receive top rankings on search engine result pages.

Today’s Internet is more competitive than ever before. If you regularly evaluate the performance of your sites against your competitors, you can spot opportunities for improvement and take advantage of emerging opportunities early.

Understand Problematic Code

Improperly coded websites are the leading cause of Crawler and user issues. A well defined manual crawl, which consists of closely inspecting every page on a site, is a great way to identify problematic code.

It allows you to discover whether or not the problems are caused by the code itself or by content management issues such as duplicate titles (Description Tag), duplicated content (canonical tag), blocked content/redirects, missing alt-text, missing H1s, etc.

Knowing your site’s code, and how it’s being interpreted by search engines is crucial to improving its performance. Get in touch with SEO Brighton today to plan a much needed audit of your website!

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What Should be Included in a SEO Report?

A well-executed SEO (search engine optimization) campaign isn’t a one-and-done thing. It requires constant tweaking and attention every step of the way. While many services offer you an audit, a comprehensive SEO audit is time consuming and costly. This is where we come in!

SEO Brighton Report will walk you through the steps we take to formulate your SEO strategy, from keyword research to on site optimization to link building. What if this was all laid out for you ahead of time?

You could see where issues were coming up before they even happened and work on that issue BEFORE it becomes an issue. We’re not just doing after the fact correction in our reports; we’re sharing with you what you should be.

Call 01273 424 004 to request a free, no-obligation now!

Ready to Outsource your Websites SEO Auditing?

Looking to outsource your SEO auditing work? You’ve come to the right place. SEO Brighton based in Brighton, Sussex is a leading provider of website SEO auditing services in the UK.

SEO Brighton is a premium service that does the deep work necessary to help you move your website and brand forward. Our audits provide insights on top of insights, from both technical SEO and strategic marketing perspectives. SEO Brighton SEO Audits are performed by a team of seasoned professionals certified by Google, Bing and yelp.


Is an SEO audit worth it?

Even the best SEOs can overlook an audit from time to time. But it’s one of the most important things a business owner can do to ensure their site will be found by potential customers. An audit is essential for anyone who wants to keep up with the ever-changing search landscape.

What is the most important part of SEO?

The answer to that may seem like it is a broad and complicated question, but the simple truth is that the most important part of search engine optimization, or SEO, is creating content. The more relevant content you have on your website, the better it will perform in search results.

Another important part is Inbound links. The primary signal search engines use to rank pages is the number of inbound links you have. Links from websites that pass authority signals to your website help search engines determine how trustworthy and authoritative your site is.

What is link auditing?

Link auditing is the process of manually examining and assessing each internal link on your website. It’s important to audit all links because an improperly configured link can result in a poor user experience that will negatively impact search engine rankings, traffic and revenue.

How do Audits Fit into the Wider SEO Landscape?

A good SEO audit will help you identify the opportunities and improvements that are essential to achieving your business goals. This may be optimising site structure, writing better copy or understanding how you can incorporate technical SEO on your website. These audits can be very helpful in identifying areas of improvement, along with helping you to set realistic targets for your own site and projects.

How can these audits be customised?

SEO Auditing provides customised SEO performance reports on your website, based on industry best practices. They include technical checks, keyword research, competitor analysis and more.

For example, when we offer SEO positioning audits that deal with link building we don’t just look at the overall site architecture but we also look at which directories, contextual and other dofollow/nofollow links are pointing at each site.

How much do your audits cost?

We specialise in quick, easy & actionable SEO audits that help you win with Google. You’ll get an on-site analysis and ongoing guidance from a certified expert at a great price.

How long should an SEO audit take?

There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for judging the ideal length of time for an SEO audit. But using SEO Brighton services, your SEO audit and conversion optimization will be done in under two weeks, depending on the size of your website.

What is a local SEO audit?

A local SEO audit is the collection, analysis and reporting of on-page and off-page factors pertaining to an established business’s website with the goal of increasing organic ranking in local search results.

Do reviews affect SEO?

Yes. Reviews of your products on a variety of review platforms should be heavily considered for SEO reasons; however, more importantly, they can directly impact MLR (Mean Loyalty Rate) and potentially brand equity.

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