It can be difficult to stay on top of the latest SEO trends. New techniques are always being developed and implemented, so it’s important to have an understanding of what is currently working for search engine rankings.

In this blog post, we will go over 10 common mistakes that marketers are making in 2021 when it comes to technical SEO.

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO refers to anything related to how web pages are coded and accessed by crawlers. It is the art of ensuring your website is technically sound and optimized for search engine crawlers.

Technical SEO can be used to diagnose problems with a website in order to fix them before they cause any major issues. This includes things like page load speed optimization (a big part of improving engagement rates), schema markup and structured data development, XML sitemaps, duplicate content.

The goal of technical SEO is to rank better in SERPs (search engine results pages) and drive more traffic to your site by optimizing it from an engineering perspective. This will also help you rank higher, which could lead to increased revenue if done correctly!

What are the benefits of technical SEO?

Technical SEO is a process that ensures websites are search engine-friendly. It requires website owners to keep up with industry standards and adjust their sites accordingly. This will ensure the website ranks well in search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing.

There are many benefits of technical SEO including higher rankings, increased traffic volume, and more leads for your business. These benefits can be seen by analyzing ranking data before and after implementing technical SEO changes on your site.

Here are some common technical SEO mistakes some website owners are still making in 2021.

Poor site architecture

Building a website is like building a house. You need to have a plan, you need to build it in the right order and with the right materials, and you must maintain it properly so that it will last. If any of these points are neglected or done incorrectly, there is potential for disaster down the line.

Poor site architecture can lead to a lack of on-site optimization, which will quickly cause your website to rank poorly in the search engine results pages (SERP).

The way your website is built and organized can have a huge impact on how it performs in search engines. Properly structuring the code of your website means that Google will be able to crawl and index your content more effectively.

Not paying attention to HTTP status and server issues

Do you know what the HTTP status code 404 means? Most people don’t. It’s not a big deal, but if you’re running a website or have one that you visit often then ignorance is dangerous. You may be vulnerable to hackers who are trying to steal your data and infect your computer with malware as well as other threats such as spam and phishing schemes.

Visitors to your website will see an HTTP status and server error page when they encounter a site with technical problems. This can lead to low customer retention, lost revenue, and frustrated customers who leave your website without completing their desired goal.

URL formatting is inconsistent

Website URL’s are the most crucial element of a website, and if they’re not formatted consistently, it can be difficult for your web visitors to find their way around. We’ll show you how to make sure that all of your page URLs are set up in the same format so that people who visit your site will always know where they are on each individual page.

Here is an example: You want the URL formatting to look like this throughout your entire website so that people know exactly where they are at any given time!

Poor URL formatting can be a big source of frustration for both humans and search engines. It’s not just about the aesthetics either, it actually impacts how well your site ranks in Google.

Thin content

Thin content is a common problem on the web, especially for small businesses. When you create a website, it’s important to provide enough content so that your visitors can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.

If you don’t have enough content or if some of your pages are thin because they only contain one sentence or paragraph of text, then search engines may not rank your site as highly as other sites with more robust information.

In addition to affecting SEO rankings, having thin content on your site can also cause problems with usability and user experience–some visitors might be frustrated because they want more details about topics in order to make informed decisions about their business needs.

Not fixing issues of duplicate content

As a professional SEO strategist, I often see people who don’t take the time to fix issues of duplicate content.  The problem with duplicates is that they are not indexed by search engines and can lead to ranking penalties from Google. It’s important to make sure you’re fixing these in order for your SEO efforts to be successful!

Duplicate content is a serious problem for most websites. It can be frustrating as it weakens your SEO, and it makes search engines struggle to understand what you’re trying to say. Luckily, the issue is easy enough to fix by using an online tool like Screaming Frog or Xenu Link Sleuth.

Wrong keyword targeting

The SEO world has been changing rapidly over the last few years. With so many people trying to rank for their keywords, it can be hard to find your place on the first page of Google search results. The key is finding out which keywords are most relevant to your blog post and then targeting those keywords in order to increase your chances of ranking high.

Unfortunately, there are many people out there who don’t realize the importance of correctly targeting keywords in their marketing campaigns. For example, if you’re a plumber and use your blog to promote plumbing services, but instead you focus on SEO techniques or general home maintenance tips that have nothing to do with plumbing – then you will be missing out on an opportunity for potential customers. If this sounds like something that might be happening to your company or business, it’s time for some changes!

In order for your business to thrive online and offline alike, make sure to target the correct keywords so that all of your content is relevant and informative. One thing most companies can benefit from is using Google Adwords Keyword Tool which allows users to find popular search

Keyword stuffing

A lot of people don’t know this, but keyword stuffing is a big no-no when it comes to SEO. If you’re not sure what that means, let me break it down for you.

Keyword stuffing refers to the act of filling your content with keywords in an attempt to rank higher on search engine pages and get more traffic from search engines.

This might seem like a good idea at first glance, but in reality, it’s just going to end up hurting your rankings because Google can recognise when there are too many keywords being used and will penalize sites accordingly. So make sure that if you’re using any keywords on your website or blog posts they are strategically placed so as not to look spammy or keyword-stuffed!

To avoid this, keep posts concise and only use keywords when they’re naturally occurring as part of the sentence or paragraph. It’s also important not to overuse certain words.

Ignoring searcher intent

Searcher intent is a term that describes the mindset of someone searching for information on the internet.

It’s important to keep in mind how people are going about their search, so you can make sure your site is answering their questions and they’re finding what they need.

If searchers don’t find what they want on your website, it could be because:

  • Your content doesn’t answer their question or provide all of the information needed.
  • The page layout makes it difficult for them to navigate.
  • Their language isn’t supported.

Whatever the reason may be, when searchers leave without getting what they wanted from your site, you’ve lost an opportunity to convert a visitor into a customer.

Not properly utilising Meta Tags

Meta tags are bits of information that tell the web browser and the search engine what content is found on each individual webpage. This helps the visitor find your page more quickly from their keyword or phrase searches which leads to an increased amount of clicks throughs, views and ultimately sales or leads generated by those visitors coming from organic

Startling new research has shown that Meta Tags on a website are just as important as the content of your site. In fact, they may be even more important than the content of your site!

If you want to be found in the search engines, then it’s important that you are utilising all of the tools at your disposal. One of these is meta tags which can help boost your website ranking and increase traffic.

Ignoring your mobile site

As the world goes mobile, it’s important to remember that not all websites are designed for the smaller screens of smartphones and tablets. If you’re not taking care to optimize your website for these devices, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity.

More than 20% of people who use their phones or tablets for browsing the internet do so only because they don’t have access to a computer or laptop. It’s becoming more and more difficult to find new customers without catering to this audience.

A responsive web design will make sure that your site looks great on any device; whether it’s a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. This way, no matter what kind of screen someone is using when visiting your site, they’ll be able to seamlessly browse your site and enjoy a rich user experience.


It’s time to start thinking about your technical SEO strategy for the future. If you are a business owner and have been making any of these common mistakes, now is the time to fix them! Your customers will thank you in 2021 when they find just what they need on Google or Bing.

Get in touch with us at SEO Brighton if you want help developing an effective plan that could change how people search for things online forever. We would be happy to chat with you about our services and provide more information so we can get started on building your perfect custom marketing package today!

