SEO is an important part of any marketing strategy. You can’t expect people to find your business if you don’t make it easy for them to do so.

SEO is a process that optimizes your content for search engines and ensures your web pages fall within the first few results for relevant searches. Optimizing and balancing SEO factors will increase traffic, increase sales, and improve your overall online experience.

SEO is one of the most cost-effective ways to get your message seen by potential customers. If you want the best possible opportunity to convert a potential customer into a sale, it is important to place your website in the top positions of search engine rankings for terms relevant to your business.

Below are reasons why SEO is important for every business marketing strategy.

If You’re Not on Page 1, You’re Not Winning the Click

SEO delivers targeted traffic to your website or landing page. Approximately two-thirds of all searches are made on Google, so if you aren’t showing up on the first page of results for a keyword or two that your ideal clients are searching for, this could be costing you huge bucks every month.

Marketing’s ultimate goal is to have customers buy your product or use your service. To do that you need to be on the first page of Google (and other search engines) for the terms that potential customers are using when they search the internet. Otherwise, when potential customers go looking for your products or services, they just might purchase from somebody else.

It’s A Long-Term Strategy

SEO is a long-term strategy that aims to improve your website’s visibility. It provides no immediate solution but is much more effective in the long run. One small change to your website can take several weeks to have an effect. This means that SEO needs lots of time and dedication. With the right knowledge, you’ll be able to make all of the necessary changes to your web content so you can get consistent rankings for the keywords you want.

If you do it well, it can pay dividends for a long time. It may take months for organic search traffic to pick up after an initial SEO effort, but steady progress is more sustainable than short bursts of activity.

SEO Impacts the Buying Cycle

SEO is an integral part of any online marketing campaign. Search engine visibility plays a key role in both marketer’s and consumer’s decision-making processes.

In the buying cycle, customers have an information gap. If they find relevant content that answers their questions, it reduces their need to go elsewhere for more information. This increases intention to buy, which leads to a higher conversion rate and better customer experience.

SEO Builds Trust & Credibility

Search engine optimization helps your business build trust and credibility. When a potential customer is searching for products or services on search engines land on your website and find what they were looking for, they will be impressed by the fact that you are listed there at all. This will make you more trustworthy in their eyes and they’ll be more likely to put their trust in your business if they need similar products or services at a later time.

Do you know that Google will rank your page higher if someone else has linked to it? This enables webmasters to benefit from the credibility of others while providing useful content the visitor is seeking. For example, if a website that receives a lot of visitors links to yours, you will receive more visitors who are looking for what you have.

Local SEO Means Increased Engagement, Traffic & Conversions

Do you know how important local SEO is for your business? Local SEO is an essential part of any solid marketing strategy, as it allows businesses to show up where their customers are looking for them most.  It helps to increase brand awareness for small businesses by connecting them with more people in their area who are searching through Google for local services.

SEO Is Relatively Cheap

SEO is the most cost-effective form of marketing when compared to other mainstream methods. It’s about quality over quantity and this makes SEO an ideal method for smaller companies who need targeted traffic to their website.

Any business owner knows that it doesn’t take a lot of money to get an online presence. Using SEO practices, a business can spend a little to generate a large number of visitors to the website.


Your website’s ranking directly affects the number of visitors you can receive; therefore, there is no better way to market your business than doing it through SEO. It’s a simple formula: the number of visitors your website gets from search engines (organic visits) equals the number of paying customers (or customers happy to refer).

Now you know what SEO is and why it’s important for any Digital Marketing Campaigns, it will be beneficial to incorporate these practices to your business marketing campaign.

